Raphaëlle Barbier from MINES ParisTech, leader of the e-shape's work package in charge of developing new co-design methods participated in the webinar “Transforming Earth Observations to knowledge through inclusive participation” organized by NextGEOSS.
In the dedicated session “Building a co-design methodology supporting the resilient growth of the Earth observation ecosystem” our partner elaborated on how a co-design methodology can support effectively the resilient growth of the Earth observation ecosystem.
In this event, experts shared their knowledge and experience with different approaches to transform raw data into something that can be used through a co-development approach. Building capacity on processes of transformation is key to successful and timely uptake of Earth observations in communities around the world.
In order to make use of and transform Earth observations to analysis-ready data, applications and services, all actors along the data value-chain need to work together, from start to end. Depending on the type of transformation and project, co-design, co-creation, or co-development describes this inclusive method of transformation.
This webinar aimed to reach the Global Earth observation community, data experts, innovation community, trainers, educators, researchers, applied scientists.
Find the full presentation here
The e-shape project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement 820852