Call for EO-based products 2020 | APPLY NOW!

Are you the next e-shape partner? Do you want to get access to up to 50k in funding, co-design, development, and sustainability booster activities, and a wide EO community? 

e-shape launched the Call for EO-based products 2020 on June 8th to onboard further partners in the e-shape consortium and expand the EuroGEO community.

The Call for EO-based products 2020 addresses Earth Observation-based products contributing to the Sustainable Development Goals, Paris Agreement or Sendai Framework. Eligible entities have the unique opportunity to become a new project partner contributing to one of the 7 e-shape showcases targeting specific community of users (agriculture, health, renewable energy, ecosystem, water, disasters, climate). New e-shape pilots will benefit from a grant of up to EUR 50,000 as well as the e-shape project support including co-design methodologies, deployment support, users’ uptake, capacity building & liaison, sustainability & upscaling, communication, dissemination & help desk.

 “e-shape is a great opportunity to support EuroGEO within GEO and to showcase the strengths and the tremendous contributions of Europe for and with users”, highlighted Thierry Ranchin, scientific coordinator of e-shape. 

Onboarded partners will pass through an open, fair, and competitive process. On the e-shape website applicants will find under the onboarding page the Guide for Applicants and the Application form. The Call for EO-based products 2020 will close on September 4th 2020 at 17:00 CET.

Read the full text

Join us!

How: Fill in the Application Form

When: 8 June 2020 to 4 September 2020


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