The theme of this year’s symposium is Strengthening inclusive partnerships across the GEO Work Programme (GWP).
The aim of the Symposium is to share successful practices and identify ways to accelerate the delivery of products and solutions to address environmental and societal challenges. The symposium will be held from 21 to 24 June 2021.
Topics covered during the symposium include:
e-shape is participating in several parallel and spotlight sessions:
Find us at:
Parallel sessions
Monday 21 | 14:30 - 15:30 CEST
- Earth observation operational services through the e-shape project
Tuesday 22 | 9:00 -10:00 CEST
- e-shape Climate Showcase
- In situ data for Agricultural Monitoring
Wednesday 23 | 18:00-18:30CEST
- Evolving GEOSS Data Sharing and Data Management Principles: A view on implementation and benefits
Thursday 24 | 13:00-14:00 CEST
- EuroGEO contributions to disaster resilience
Spotlight sessions
Tuesday 22 | 10:00 -10:30 CEST
- OGC Earth Observation Cloud Platform Concept Development Study and resources federation efforts.
Wednesday 23 | 18:00-18:30 CEST
- Green Paper: faster uptake of Earth Observation
- Data cubes - a key technology for EO data exploration
ERA-PLANET though its SMURBS and iGOSP projects is contributing to the e-shape project ( which is aimed to power user-oriented applications that stakeholders and policy makers may use. Within the E-Shape project the contribution from SMURBS and iGOSP is focused on a dedicated Showcase on Health Surveillance and specifically through three pilots, EO-based surveillance of mercury pollution, EO-based surveillance of POPs pollution and EO-based pollution-health risks profiling in the urban environment, which are addressed to provide (by the end of e-Shape project) mature market-oriented applications for co-designing policy-oriented socio-economic scenarios.
More info here
The e-shape project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement 820852