e-shape at Φ-week 2021 | 11–15 October 2021

Our e-shape, partner from OGC, Marie-Françoise Voidrot we’ll be giving a talk on the "European Exploitation Platform Ecosystem” and participate in a round table at the ESA Phi Week: https://phiweek.esa.int/.

ESA Φweek

The talk will be part of the Network of Resources session from 13:15 PM to 15:10 PM CEST on Wednesday 13 October 2021. It synthesizes the lessons learned from the e-shape project, the OGC (Open Geospatial Consortium) Cloud Concept Development Study and others OGC initiatives, and our contribution to the EOEPCA (Earth Observation Exploitation Platforms Common Architecture) from Telespazio UK and the European Space Agency - ESA .
In the young, complex and very dynamic European Exploitation Platform Ecosystem, the Network of Resources brings a valuable contribution that deserves to be known by all.

If you are a scientist, developer, or stakeholder using or considering to use European Exploitation Platforms such as the DIASs, the Thematic Exploitation Platforms (TEPs), NextGEOSS or others, then this session is for you! You will understand the benefits that Platforms-as-a-Service (PaaS) can provide to you in the form of tailored EO data and optimized cloud technologies.

Moving from internal resources to the cloud, requires a paradigm shift for developers and leads to new budgeting and procurement processes that need to be understood to get all the benefits. The European EO Community is pushing many initiatives towards a federation of interoperable resources that interlink all available assets. This is an essential pre-requesite to implement Digital Twins and to release the power of Artificial Intelligence.

Φ-week 2021:

Τhe fourth edition of Φ-week on 11–15 October 2021, focuses on how to accelerate the future of Earth Observation (EO), presenting recent developments in EO Open Science and latest trends in EO markets, exploring bold and transformative ideas that ESA’s Φ-lab and Data Applications Division supports and scales up along with researchers, start-ups, industry and private investors.

The main theme of Φ-week 2021 is the New Space economy and associated innovations. The sessions, posters and side-events will highlight how the New Space economy is developing in Europe and alongside competition worldwide, and how it can contribute to the EU Green Deal, Digital Europe Programme, Destination Earth initiative, UN SDGs, and in general to the EU Space Strategy and European space sector.

For more info, visit: https://phiweek.esa.int/

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