e-shape, as a flagship European project, is in the frontline at this year’s edition of EuroGEO Workshop 2022 held in Athens, Greece, from 7th-9th December 2022.
With a united message and motto “Blazing new trails for the EO market” that encapsulates and conveys the project’s entire mission for the way forward, the e-shape consortium’s prevailing presence will give prominence in the e-shape legacy by showcasing successful results, new services, how the project contributes to the SDGs targets etc.
The communications team of e-shape, in order to propel this endeavor, organized a dedicated communication social media pre and main campaign, created targeted e-banners and designed impactful, fit for purpose, compelling give-away gifts for the conference. Furthermore, a roll-up banner along with the new and premium brochures and the rececently developed video showcasing the project in the registration desk of the event, will elevate the e-shape impact.
It is worth mentioning that during this 3-day workshop, the majority of the topics to be discussed deal directly or indirectly with sustainability and e-shape project, with its 37 pilots in 7 showcases, contributes to the targets of the Sustainable Development Goals by proposing solutions to combat poverty, inequality, climate change, environmental degradation and to support prosperity, peace and justice. You may find more details here.
Our e-shape partners will participate in the below:
- Parallel Session: 07.12.2022 | 09:00 - 10:45 am (LT)
EuroGEO Action Group for Disasters: Capitalizing Earth Observation in support to Civil Protection & Disasters Resilience, Chair: Dr. Haris Kontoes (IAASARS/NOA)
- Parallel Session: 07.12.2022 | 11:15 - 13:00 am (LT)
Co-design for EO data-based services, Chairs: Raphaëlle Barbier (CGS), Pascal Le Masson (CGS), Skander Ben Yahia (CGS)
- Parallel Session: 08.12.2022 | 09:00 - 10:30 am (LT)
Capitalizing Earth Observation, GEO & Copernicus in support to One Health and Eco Health Initiatives, Chairs: Erwin Goor (EC/REA), Dr. Haris Kontoes (IAASARS/NOA)
- Plenary Session: 09.12.2022 | 09:00 - 10:45 am (LT)
e-shape legacy to EuroGEO, Chair: Thierry Ranchin (MINES Paris – PSL/ARMINES)
- Parallel Sessions: 08.12.2022 | presentations:
- 09:00 - 10:30 am (LT)
In-situ data collection for agricultural monitoring- the e-shape contribution | Steffen Fritz (IIASA)
- 11:15 - 12:45 am (LT)
EuroGEO for agriculture in support of the partnership "Agriculture of Data" and the European Green Deal, e-shape | Sven Gilliams (VITO), Laurent Tits (VITO)
- 11:15 - 12:45 am (LT)
Involving users in different stages of EO solutions development, e-shape | Raphaëlle Barbier (MINES ParisTech)
- 14:15 - 15:45 am (LT)
Presentation of the e-shape Showcase 3 Renewable Energy | Prof. Philippe Blanc (MINES Paris - PSL/ARMINES)
NextSENSE: solar energy nowcasting & short-term forecasting system, Stelios Kazadzis (PMOD WRC)
Merging offshore wind products, Merete Badger (DTU)
- 14:15 - 15:45 am (LT)
Pathways to sustainable development through use cases in the Athens metropolis, The e-shape Health Surveillance Air Quality Pilot – merging EO, social and health data | Eleni Athanasopoulou (NOA)
- 16:30 - 18:00 am (LT)
Towards the digital age - platforms and data spaces for the EU Green Deal - Part II, Status on the Usability of the available European Platforms based on e-shape return on experience | Marie-Françoise Voidrot (OGC)
Fast Facts:
The annual workshop brings together European players interested in and actively contributing to EuroGEO.
This edition will focus on the preparation of the next journey for EuroGEO to align with progress made and new needs arisen in the European context, as well as to coordinate and strengthen its contribution to the post-2025 evolution of the GEO.
The objectives of the workshop are to:
- Look for synergies across projects and initiatives;
- Offer networking opportunities to the participants;
- Identify opportunities to work under a nexus approach;
- Pursue more dynamic collaboration among regional GEOs;
- Design effective regional governance activating national mechanisms;
- Move faster towards operationalization with and for the end-users;
- Reflect on global (G)EO trends and GEO Week 2022.