Introducing EO open license compliance and challenges for the e-shape Pilots

On 19th of May 2022 (14:30 – 15:45 CET) an online webinar was held entitled “Introducing EO open license compliance and challenges for the e-shape Pilots”. This webinar focused on raising awareness to the scientific community on the application and interpretation of open-source licenses and was directed to the e-shape pilots as well as to the entire consortium however, based on the feedback, this webinar was also addressed to a broader audience.

Outline of the webinar:

Most of the e-shape pilots have already or are ready to publish results. These results can be datasets, services, mobile applications.
Attaching a clear license to these results contributes to the upscale of the usage and audience of the results. A licence provides clarity and certainty on possible downstream usage, which enables innovation for research and for business. This license depends on the business model but it also depends on the licenses attached to the input data. Crediting the data used is requested for instance by Copernicus and can be critical for some data providers.

The webinar "Introducing EO open licence compliance and challenges for the e-shape Pilots” seeked to raise awareness on licences that will:

  • support the transition from research to business
  • advocate good credits management to encourage data sharing
  • support e-shape pilots on how to draft their own licence for the output product
  • facilitate and accelerate products publication
  • upscale the usage

Objectives of the webinar:

  • To raise awareness to the scientific community on the application and interpretation of open source licenses
  • To know the application of the input data licenses on e-shape’s pre-processed products
  • To know the implications of combining licenses (open and commercial) when commercializing e-shape’s final products
  • To know the rights and obligations of the e-shape pilots’ products when combining licenses depending on their final use
  • To know the benefits of licensing accurately e-shape pilot’s products
  • To know the dos and don’ts of EO licensing drafting (i.e. credits, sharing, commercialization)

Questions that the webinar tried to address include:

1. What are the main elements e-shape pilots should know while purchasing EO licenses for their input data?

2. How can the e-shape pilots draft their own license for their final product?

Find the full agenda here

Missed it or want to watch it again. Click here

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