As a European flagship project contributing to EuroGEO, the e-shape project has linked with the GEO Knowledge Hub (GKH) to support the promotion and the results dissemination of the 37 pilots, from 7 showcases, which have been developed during the project life time.
The approach relies on the use of the webservice-energy GEO community catalogue to initially support the creation of one metadata record per pilot ( Metadata records, following ISO 19139 and/or INSPIRE Network Service profiles, have been created having the concept of the GKH knowledge granule in mind. It means, beside the access to the given application, to provide a bucket of extra resources including, scientific communications, DOI, videos support presentations, Jupyter Notebooks, GitHub repositories, OGC Web Services GetCapabilities and output result datasets samples. A prime example of such enriched metadata record is available here:
In close collaboration with the GKH development team, Lionel Menard, e-shape scientific and technical manager, as emphasize the need for the GKH to enable automatic harvesting of the enriched metadata records as available in the webservice-energy GEO community catalogue powered by the open source GeoNetwork platform.
This successful implementation enables a fully standard and interoperable workflow for maximizing the e-shape effort to disseminate the work and the results of the 37 pilots to the broader GEO community. Harvesting enables as well to keep a master repository for metadata creation and latter modifications avoiding duplications, errors and maximizing the overall consistency. With regards to the number, the richness and the consistency of such metadata records, the GKH team as proposed to create a dedicated GKH Community section to host and gather e-shape related knowledge granules. They are visible on the GKH platform:
It worth mentioning as well that besides the visibility of the e-shape knowledge granules on the GKH, the webservice-energy catalogue is part of the GEO DAB (Discovery and Access Broker) targets list since 2008 and is being harvested on a weekly basis. Consequently several hundreds of renewable energy related metadata records are available on the GEO Web Portal including the ones from e-shape as shown here: .
An endeavor that aims to concrete e-shape project recognition in times to come!
The e-shape project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement 820852