The PARSEC Accelerator Open Call 2 is launched!

Equity-free funding and support for SMEs innovating in food, energy or environment: PARSEC Open Call 2

The second PARSEC Open Call "Call for consortia" aims to find the best 15 consortia that will join the PARSEC second stage and receive 100.000€ each (maximum 50.000€ per partner) along with business support services and see their products or services launched into the market.

Supported by the PARSEC Accelerator, the interested innovators are invited to network with the #100PARSEC first stage winners to form cross-border and/or cross-sectoral consortia of 2-4 members to develop an EO-based solution for food, energy or environment. The leader of each eligible consortium has to be one of the #100PARSEC. Each consortium can apply to the PARSEC Accelerator Open Call 2 and defend their business idea in front of a jury of experts at the PARSEC Demo Days. Potential applicants can find the most suitable partner(s) among the #100PARSEC by joining for free the 100PARSEC in the online matchmaking space in Brella via registration, here (an invitation will be sent maximum 48 hours after registration).

The PARSEC Open Call 2 application period is open from the 30th of March until the 20th of June 2020 at 17:00 CET and includes the PARSEC Demo Days planned for the 2nd-3rd of July 2020, where the teams will pitch their business solutions.

For more information you can watch the PARSEC Info webinar on Open Call 2 on YouTube here:

Additional information about PARSEC and on how to apply can be found on the PARSEC website.


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