Integrating free and open data, especially the Earth observing Copernicus Sentinels, into the decision support system (DSS) of growers around the world to improve daily decision making is vital to improving and sustaining vineyards and orchards as well as other fruit production. Depending on the regional climatology, different water regimes and plant specific information is needed to adequately support daily operations and the dense temporal Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 image coverage can significantly improve information access and content.
Climate change is affecting local production of agricultural commodities. Fruits, including grapes produced in vineyards and other fruits that are grown in orchards can be significantly affected by a number of climatic and environmental changes which reduces productivity and potentially affects the entire harvest. By linking EO data with ground measurements from Internet of Things (IoT) devices providing in-situ field measures, automated farm management systems can provide farmers and growers with actionable and timely information to improve their productivity and farming solution sustainability.
Riscognition GmbH and eVineyard (ELMIBIT d.o.o.)
Grape and fruit growers around the world
Earth Observation datasets: Sentinel imagery (S1, S2, and S3)
Copernicus land monitoring services
Farm in-situ IoT based soil moisture measures
Historical crop/field specific data when available
The service will provide timely information about vegetation conditions and soil moisture for grape and fruit growers. The information is derived from EO time-series and delivered through standard APIs. These APIs will be directly integrated in the farm management system and enhanced through in-situ IoT sensor data. The farmer receives actionable information supporting management decisions such as about irrigation and harvest.
The e-shape project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement 820852