Pilot 2.2 | EO-based surveillance of POPs pollution

Pilot 2.2 | EO-based surveillance of POPs pollution

The Global Monitoring Plan (GMP) of the Stockholm Convention (SC) was established as an effective and sustainable global system to collect comparable, harmonized and reliable information on POP levels in core media (air, human tissues (breast milk/blood), and water) supporting the effectiveness evaluation of the Stockholm Convention. However, systems for electronic data management, harmonization, analysis and visualization adaptable to ever increasing scope of the convention were not available. Our pilot S2P2 allows partners, data providers, policy makers and international organizations to expand our knowledge, improve decision making and broaden use of data in risk assessment and their visibility.

/ Objectives
  • To further develop the GMP Data Warehouse to support the 3rd GMP data collection campaign in 2020;
  • To increase a spatial coverage, quality, comparability and accessibility of data on environmental and human exposure from existing (bio)monitoring networks to allow for joint interpretation and assessment of human risks;
  • To develop advanced services and tools in support of the policy mandate through the Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants;
  • To support the decision making in chemical management and disease/health control.
/ Partners

MU, CNR-IIA and BRS Secretariat, WHO and GEO as associate partners.

/ Key Users

Secretariats and Parties to the Stockholm, Basel, Rotterdam, and CLRTAP Conventions, Policy Makers, Governments, State and Regional Authorities, Industry, IGOs, NGOs, Scientific Community

/ Key Datasets

(A-Air) EMEP, MONET, GAPS, IADN, LAPAN and other active and passive air sampling networks, (H-Human biomonitoring) WHO/UNEP Human Milk Survey and national human biomonitoring programs, (W-Water) MONET Aqua, Joint Danube Survey and other datasets including those from research cruises.   

/ ID Card
Expected outcome of the pilot

The pilot and GMP Data warehouse provides three outcomes:

Updated multilevel database with expanded datasets on toxic chemicals (persistent organic pollutants) in environmental and biological matrices and visualization portal showing large sets of global data available at https://data.pops-gmp.org/2020/all/#/gmp3/spatial-distribution

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