Pilot 5.5 | Monitoring fishing activity

Pilot 5.5 | Monitoring fishing activity

Reconciling food security with the sustainable use of biotic renewable resources, including marine resources, while ensuring environmental protection is the major aim of the Bioeconomy Strategy. The current policy context in which the Bioeconomy operates is included in the agendas of the UN, embedded in the SDGs, and in the EU, demanding better monitoring and assessment frameworks. In this pilot, access to high quality monitoring data on marine ecosystems, including data on the human uses and environmental data, is determinant in driving research and promoting better advice in line with the Common fishing Policy (CFP) and the Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD) objectives.

/ Objectives
  • To strengthen monitoring on the human activities in the Northeast Atlantic.
  • To characterize and quantify the human pressure related to fishing activities and relate these activities with environmental parameters.
  • To raise awareness between key users of human footprint in marine ecosystems and motivate them towards more efficient, environmentally friendly and sustainable fishing strategies and practices, complying with international, European and national regulations.
/ Partners


/ Key Users
  1. Portuguese Administration (Portuguese Directorate of Natural Resources, Safety and Maritime Services - DGRM; Marine Policy Portuguese State Agency (DGPM);
  2. Azores Regional Government
  3. Madeira Regional Government;
  4. Scientific community;
  5. Stakeholders organizations (Fishermen Associations, NGO's)
  6. International organizations (ICES, NEAFC)
/ Key Datasets

(P) Vessel Monitoring System (VMS) data from PT vessels from the MONICAP system.

(P) Vessel Monitoring System (VMS) data from EU and foreign fishing vessels operating in PT EEZ (P) Vessels technical characteristics for all vessels above.

(P) Automatic Identification System (AIS) data from all fishing vessels (terrestrial and SAT_AIS).

(P) Fishing e-logbooks data for the PT fishing fleet.

(P) Landing declarations for the PT fishing fleet.

(P) Fishing e-logbooks data for the EU and foreign fishing fleets.

(P) Landing declarations for the EU and foreign fishing fleet

(E) in-situ, satellite and model EO data streams (SST, Chlorophyll-a, currents, salinity) available through CMEMS, Argos, ESA CCI.

(E) Bathymetric chart

(E) Sediment chart

/ ID Card
Expected outcome of the pilot

This pilot aims to produce a web based tool to disseminate geo-referenced information on 1) the activity of fishing fleets operating in deep sea areas of the Northeast Atlantic, targeting big pelagic species and 2) environmental characterization for these areas. The results are based on processing spatio-temporal satellite AIS and landings datasets of the Portuguese fleets for the 2012-2018 period.

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