Pilot 7.3 | Forestry conditions - climate service

Pilot 7.3 | Forestry conditions - climate service

The Finnish forest industry estimates annual efficiency gains to be ~70 M€ in handling the seasonal variation of wood supply operations. Terrain and forest road trafficability issues are causing significant production shortfalls and pose a risk in a future with shorter frost periods due to climate change. Also in warm situations soil moisture hinders wood production operations. Forecasting harvesting conditions have a great potential value that will be demonstrated in this pilot. In addition carbon emissions from forest land change differently depending on the harvesting methods used. The pilot will highlight this in the service to motivate climate smart operations.

/ Objectives
  • To forecast frozen soil depth and soil moisture from Copernicus C3S seasonal predictions
  • To estimate carbon emission impacts of harvesting with several different management options.
  • To raise awareness and train foresters regarding their carbon footprint and motivate them to adopt low carbon, climate smart harvesting.
/ Partners


/ Key Users

Forestry operators, forest owners, timber buyers, consultants

/ Key Datasets

Soil temperature and moisture in subsurface layers 0-7 cm, 7-28, 28-100 and 100-255.

Frozen soil depth will be interpolated from soil temperatures.

Forest parcels analysis for carbon emission impact in different harvesting methods.

/ ID Card
Expected outcome of the pilot

Forestry and especially harvesting conditions can be foreseen much longer ahead than currently is the norm. This is achieved by using bias adjusted seasonal forecast information.

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